Art of The Shepherd: An Interview with Joseph Schmalke

  • By - Andrea Lorenzo Molinari
  • 30 November, 2020

The Shepherd, Volume 1, Issue 1 hits comic book stores in January 2021! As part of the celebration, Scout Comics’ horror/sci-fi imprint Black Caravan is offering shops exclusive covers by artists of their choice. One of these covers is slated to be done by Joseph Schmalke, co-publisher of Black Caravan.

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Art of The Shepherd: An Interview with Rich Woodall

  • By - Andrea Lorenzo Molinari
  • 23 November, 2020

In July 2020, Team Shepherd signed with Scout Comics and was accepted into their horror/sci-fi imprint, Black Caravan, led by Joseph Schmalke and Rich Woodall. With The Shepherd, Volume 1, Issue 1, due out through Black Caravan in January 2021, a number of comic book shops have requested exclusive variant covers. Rich Woodall recently did one of these covers for Team Shepherd.

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Art from Fans of The Shepherd: An Interview with Nick Meyer

  • By - Andrea Lorenzo Molinari
  • 16 November, 2020

The work of a comic book creator may appear to be all excitement and fun, but mostly it is just a lot of hard work, usually done ... Read More

Art of The Shepherd: An Interview with Giulio Bilisari

  • By - Andrea Lorenzo Molinari
  • 09 November, 2020

As with many of the Italian artists I work with, I was first introduced to Giulio Bilisari through my friend Massimo Rosi. I ofte... Read More

Art of The Shepherd: An Interview with Luca Panciroli

  • By - Andrea Lorenzo Molinari
  • 02 November, 2020
I was first exposed to the artwork of Tuscan artist Luca Panciroli in my role as editor for Caliber Comics. He was the artist for a sci-fi adventure written by Massimo Rosi entitled, Dark Frontier. When I saw his amazing artwork, I knew right away that I wanted to work with him! Read More

Art of The Shepherd: An Interview with Jake Minor

  • By - Andrea Lorenzo Molinari
  • 26 October, 2020

My first exposure to the work of Jake Minor was in 2017, and from afar. I learned that this artwork was part of a forthcoming supernatural western Jake was doing with his brothers entitled, No Rest for the Wicked (Source Point Press, 2019). I knew right away that I wanted to commission Jake to do something for The Shepherd.

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