Art of The Shepherd: An Interview with Luca Panciroli

  • By - Andrea Lorenzo Molinari
  • 02 November, 2020
I was first exposed to the artwork of Tuscan artist Luca Panciroli in my role as editor for Caliber Comics. He was the artist for a sci-fi adventure written by Massimo Rosi entitled, Dark Frontier. When I saw his amazing artwork, I knew right away that I wanted to work with him! Read More

Art of The Shepherd: An Interview with Jake Minor

  • By - Andrea Lorenzo Molinari
  • 26 October, 2020

My first exposure to the work of Jake Minor was in 2017, and from afar. I learned that this artwork was part of a forthcoming supernatural western Jake was doing with his brothers entitled, No Rest for the Wicked (Source Point Press, 2019). I knew right away that I wanted to commission Jake to do something for The Shepherd.

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Art of The Shepherd: An Interview with Jaime Martínez

  • By - Andrea Lorenzo Molinari
  • 28 September, 2020
My first exposure to the artwork of Jaime Martínez was in my role of submissions editor for Caliber Comics back in September of 2017.  Jaime’s art was chilling, truly unsettling. I felt it was a perfect match for a ghost story. Read More

The Shepherd, Vol. 2: The Path of Souls, Chapter 4 -- Chickasaw County’s Spartan Band

  • By - Andrea Lorenzo Molinari
  • 22 November, 2019

The Path of Souls is divided into six issues (chapters). The fourth is "Chickasaw County’s Spartan Band" which c... Read More